10 Fun Stay at Home Date Night Ideas for Couples

Before bear was born Brent and I spent many hours together doing fun, engaging things and whilst we still spend alot of time together with the kids we have, as most couples do, neglected a regular date night.

So, I put together a list of 10 fun stay at home date night ideas for couples to try.

I’d love to hear from you if you try any .

Stay at home dates

  • Board games – pick your favourite board game , get comfy for some snack and see who wins. Some of my personal favourites are scrabble, trivial persuit and pictionary.
  • Netflex marathon– Netflex offer a one month free trial on Facbook ads. I keep meaning to give it a try and join one of the millions who enjoy a marathon of favourite shows in PJ’s.
  • Indoor picnic– this is my all time favourite indoor date night and we started bed picnics when we first dated . I would set up an elaborate picnic as we blazed about. Brent watching soccer and me catching up on some writing. Now we often do a bed picnic if it’s raining.
  • Movie night– totally different to Netflex marathons. This requires the rental of a movie, pop corn freshly popped and settling in to watch a DVD old style.
  • Set up a romantic dinner– nothing says I love you more than a good old fashioned romantically set table. Add candles, beautiful flowers and serve your dates favourite food .
  • Star gazing– throw a blanket on the grass and spend some time lying in each other’s arms watching the stars.
  • Beer or wine tasting– So easy to set up. Grab several of your favourite wines or craft beers and some small glasses. Pair them with cheese, biltong, chocolate, cheese or crackers.
  • Make pizza together– This activity was one of my go to Friday night activities for the kids as they were growing up. It is a lot of fun. Prep all your ingredients before hand and create your masterpiece.
  • Take a virtual tour– there are many tourist spots and museums that offer virtual tours. Choose one you would both enjoy and take a virtual tour together.
  • Spend an evening looking through old photos – nothing says I love you more than sharing precious memories

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