24 alternatives to sweets in your advent calendar

Advent calendars have long been a tradition in our home and the kids ( even the older ones) eagerly await the 1 December to see what we have chosen for them to count the days down with.

Last year I started looking at alternatives to the chocolate advent box. Mostly because the kids get so many sweet treats at Christmas time that I wanted their advent calendars to be a bit more exciting .

Which is why I was so eager to get bear an advent bag from Give Thanks Personalised Gifts.

These little bags are easy to hang on a cupboard or hook and contain a wallet with 24 round discs containing the numbers 1 -24 .

The outside of the main bag has a small plastic sleeve that allows you to slip a new number in each day and the little bag is big enough to hold a treat.

Here are 24 of the ideas I’m using in bear’s bag to make his advent gifts more exciting this year.

  1. Playdough kits in red and green
  2. Baking kit for gingerbread men
  3. Reading book of the nativity story
  4. Nativity set
  5. Mini puzzles with a Christmas theme
  6. Mini craft kits to make Christmas cards
  7. Christmas cd
  8. Christmas hat
  9. Christmas DVD story
  10. Christmas pictures to colour and crayons
  11. Personalised baubles for the tree
  12. Letter to Santa writing kit
  13. Magic elf door
  14. Cute Christmas theme t-shirt
  15. Christmas stickers
  16. Nativity theme felt board
  17. Large Beads to thread in red and green
  18. Key for Santa
  19. Santa ornament
  20. Christmas activity book
  21. Family brag book album
  22. Christmas socks
  23. Red and green slime
  24. A wooden reindeer

    Do you have any other ideas for me ?

    This advent bag was custom made for bear by Give Thanks Personalised Gifts

    Reference “FUNMAMMASA” and recieve a 10% discount on your order.

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