With Christmas barely over, parents are starting the annual Back to School shopping rush of uniforms, school bags, and labels.
Even as a homeschool family we often label much of the kids’ items. I love the wide range of school labels and stickers Tower Products have and these products have been part of our annual Back to school prep for years.
Some of the products on the Tower Product Back to School catalog are :-
- DIY bag tags
- Shoe labels
- Pen/Pencil labels
- Waterproof stickers for lunch boxes
- Lunchbox sticky notes
- Iron-on labels for clothing
- Multipurpose book labels
DIY bag tags that can be used for easy identification or to add contact or emergency details onto your child’s bag. I’ve actually added one of these to our car seat safety belt with Hamish’s info on so that if we are ever in a crash, the medics can identify him and assist him quickly. I have his name, my contact number, allergies, medical aid number all listed on the tag.

Shoe labels are not only fantastic to help little ones to label their left from their right. I use two different labels for that (for example Left could be a yellow label and Right a blue) but they also help your kids to know they have the right shoes on and teachers know whose shoes are left behind in the classroom.

Pen/pencil labels for easy marking. Use a ballpoint pen to write your child’s name and affix the label. I have to confess, I absolutely hate labeling pens and pencils. It is always such a long process. This way you can write all the names and let your child fix them on. Hamish was quite adamant that we match the colour of the label to the colour pen.

Lunch box sticky notes. How cute are these? I honestly think that they are my favourite and such a nice way to send a little love with your child to school. Tower Products also have a variety of waterproof labels to mark lunch boxes, juice bottles and lunch bags. These are dishwasher safe.

These Iron on labels for clothing take me back to my own school days. They are so easy to use and cost-effective. Write your child’s name with a ball point pen and iron onto the garment with a hot iron. For me personally, these labels are great for if you have a bigger family and don’t want to order 100 name label stickers per child at a time.

Multipurpose and book labels because all textbooks and exercize books deserve to look good and Tower Products makes it easy to label these with a variety of self-adhesive stickers. Simply write your child’s name, subject, or year on.

Back to school has never been this much fun.
To learn more about Tower products go to www.towerproducts.co.za