It’s baby’s first festive season!
Key essentials to navigate the holidays with joy and ease
Embarking on your baby’s first festive season adventure is a special milestone for any parent. Whether you’re visiting family, going on a holiday getaway, or exploring new traditions, the experience can be magical. However, it’s no secret that travelling with a baby or toddler requires extra planning and preparation.
According to Ronald Govender, Dis-Chem Baby City FMCG Executive, careful planning is the cornerstone of a successful festive season trip with a little one. He proposes the following essentials to consider for travelling, to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey.
- Pack smartly
Packing efficiently is crucial when traveling with a baby or toddler and sets you up for a stress-free trip. Make sure to pack everything for the trip that you will need and try to avoid overpacking or packing unnecessary items. Here’s a list of musts to include:
- Nappies and wipes: pack more than you think you’ll need, especially for longer journeys.
- Baby food and savoury snacks: bring familiar snacks such as fruits, cheese cubes, nuts, and energy drinks as well as any special dietary items your child requires. Ensure to bring enough formula, expressed breast milk and baby food that your little one might need for the journey.
- Baby gear: consider a car seat, nappy bag, lightweight stroller, a portable crib, and a baby carrier for convenience.
- Clothing: pack weather-appropriate clothing, including extra layers, in case of unexpected changes in weather.
- Medication: Don’t forget any necessary medications, medical bracelet for allergies and have a first-aid kit on hand equipped with paracetamol, antihistamines, antibacterial cream, thermometer, and antiseptic wipes.
- Comfort items: Bring your child’s favourite toys, blankets, or dummies to provide entertainment and comfort during travel.
- Baby documents: Carry important documents like birth certificates and medical records.
- Ensure safety
Safety should be a top priority when traveling with a baby or toddler. Use appropriate car seats and ensure they are installed. Car seats are proved to reduce injuries and deaths in children but are effective only if they are installed and used properly. Baby-proof your accommodations by covering electrical outlets and securing furniture that could pose a danger to your child.
- Stick to routines
Getting enough sleep in preparation for the trip is important for the parent and baby. Maintaining your baby or toddler’s routines as closely as possible can help prevent disruptions. Stick to their regular nap and meal schedules, even if it means adjusting your plans slightly. Make sure to pack your baby’s favourite pillow and blanket to ensure that you create a comfortable and good sleeping environment. If you are not travelling by car, make the necessary travel arrangements, considering seats in the bus or flight that will be comfortable and baby friendly.
- Be flexible
Long car rides or flights can be challenging with a baby or toddler, so it’s crucial to be flexible with your plans. Plan a few activities and pack entertainment like books, toys, and snacks to keep them occupied and be prepared for regular breaks when needed. If you are flying with infants, consider nursing or bottle-feeding during take-off and landing to ease ear pressure.
- Be Mindful of baby’s health
Festive seasons often involve gatherings and parties, but it’s essential to be cautious when it comes to your child’s health. Keep hand sanitizer on hand and politely ask others to wash their hands before handling your baby. Avoid crowded places if your child is particularly vulnerable to illnesses.
Issued on behalf of Dis-Chem Baby City by GGi