Winter has never been my favourite season. I always seem to feel so increadibly cold and as a child I remember just wanting to stay under the covers a little longer.
Most winter mornings in Cape Town, it’s still dark outside and the temperature has dipped when it is time to wake the children up for school. Your mom heart would rather leave the kids warm and sleeping but you know you have to get the morning started.
So, how do moms make getting up and getting ready on cold Winter mornings,easier for kids who honestly really would rather be warm, still in their onsies ?

Heres a few helpful tips to make Winter school mornings easier.
1. Organise the night before
Preparing the night before allows you to lay in a little later in the mornings and rush about less trying to find that last minute PE clothing or project in the morning.
Have your child pack their school bag and lay out their school uniform the night before. This allows you to see what books, monies, clothing, forms or school projects need to be packed into book bags, and which school clothes need washing or ironing.
You could also try to prepare and pack lunches for the following day the night before as well. I often pack Brents work lunch, our lunches and snacks the night before.

2. Shower and baths in the evening
The only thing more difficult than getting out of bed when you are freezing cold is getting undressed.
You can have your child shower or baths at night before bed. Not only will this keep them warm before bed, but it also saves time in the morning.

3. Turn off electronics
Children need at least 8 hours sleep to stay focused and keep their energy levels high enough to function during the day.
Set limits at to how much screen time is allowed as well as when the phones and devices need to be switched off in the evening and stick to a regular bedtime routine.
We end our evening with a bedtime story that I read so our devices are usually off at 6pm. Two hours before bed time.
In the morning a no-device rule for Monday to Friday mornings allows you to free up your child’s attention to focus on their morning tasks and help to avoid unnecessary time delays, tantrums at wanting to still watch a show instead of go to school and eliminates that usual rushing, panic and frustration of trying to get the kids out the door to school.

4. Use a Calendar
Often times a visual calendar helps the entire household to feel more organised.
Use a large sheet of card or purchase a wall / desk calendar and plot out a weekly morning timetable with designated times for things to get done. For smaller kids you could use a set of images on the fridge, like a visual check post for them to mark off that they are ready or to see what needs to be done.
Getting organised and being able to be focused is an important skill to learn while young as it benefits you for your entire life.

5.Share the load
If you are raising your children with a partner, share the load by splitting the morning responsibilities. This simply allows more things to get done a lot quicker.
If you don’t have a partner and are parenting solo, surround yourself with a strong support group and font be afraid to ask for and accept help.

Remember to always find the grove that work for your family. Some families may find all of these tips help where another family may only use one.
Starting each day with a good solid plan of action is a great way to turn wgat could be hectic and busy school mornings into a pleasant experience.