Oh no! I’ve turned into my grandmother

Have you had that ” Oh no! I’m turning into my mother!” Moment yet?
Mine happened the other day when I found my eldest daughter describing me as my grandmother….well, her actual words were ” My mother is turning into her grandmother – always feeding  people”
While this is really not a bad compliment, because my grandmother was the most generous woman I know, I have also noted a few other small details that lead me to believe I may have morphed into my grandmother overnight.
( Ok, well 7 kids, 2 husbands, some major life lessons, and a few decades later but who’s counting right ?)

Things my Grandmother did

I now wear slippers …those soft bed sock types because honestly, it feels like I’m still barefoot but warm. ( My grandmother lived in bright coloured bed socks that she knitted very badly) She also knitted these non-fashionable foot warmers for us and my sister and I swore we would never wear them…I guess that was before I turned 40.)
I use VICKS as the major cure for every ailment. ( Another inherited trait picked up from my gran, who I’m sure believed VICKS could cure the world)
I cook up food for everyone….my family, the neighbours, kids down the road, the bin guy, and honestly anyone who will eat ….so if you are hungry or just need a snack pop into my kitchen  (Nowhere near as impressive as my grandmother who could cook a roast chicken at midnight, whip up a curry a few minutes and bake a couple of hundred cupcakes in an afternoon but I will feed you. )
I also often find myself mindlessly singing in the kitchen and telling my children the strangest tales whilst crafting something new and re-cleaning the kitchen with enough Jik to eradicate any plague.

My grandmother’s phrases

But the final straw was, this morning as I found myself using a phrase my grandmother used in exasperation to my teenager’s antics and it dawned on me.
Oh no! I’ve turned into my grandmother!
 You can see my tribute to my grandmother here https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNced7dC/
( This post is written in admiration and love for the moms, grandmothers, and maternal figures we love to hate until we turn into them and realise the huge and wonderful impact they had on our lives)

One Reply to “Oh no! I’ve turned into my grandmother”

  1. Wow she was such a great person your grandmother Judy and it’s a good thing that you taking after her,its definitely a good thing
    Kkkkkkkk I always think of my mother when I’m angry kkkkkkkk
    You are such an amazing woman raising all 7 kids kkkkkkkk I feel like I’m drowning cz of pressure from 3 kids

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