Rebounding with Lisa Raleigh and Power Footware

Two weeks ago I was invited to come meet Lisa Raleigh and experience the new Power Footware at Shoe City in Canal Walk for the It’s your move activation.

I arrived at the store and couldn’t find Lisa. At first thought I was at the wrong store . It turned out, as the helpful staff explained that Lisa’s plane was delayed.I did however notice the neat row of exercize equipment staring ominously at me.

Totally intimidated by the night before’s googling on rebounding , I glanced at the mini trampolines in total fear.

My health and balance no where near my optimum levels after 2 years of breaks and blood clots I began to worry about this rebounding class I was about to take.

So, I turned my mind to prettier things …the new Power footware.To say I love them is an understatement. I fell head over heels for this particular pair of black and pink Power shoes.

Too afraid to look at the price , because we all know what a good pair of exercize shoes costs, I was impressed to later find out these retail at only R599.00.

Now you can afford to have one in every colour.

The shoes are stylish and avaliable in colours that would compliment any sport outfit. There is both a male and female range.The exclusion of laces on the ladies shoes is great , especially if you on the go and don’t want to be worried about laces coming undone.

The shoe is light weight and only designed for low impact activities like walking or rebounding.For me these are perfect as I walk my way back to a fitness level to be able to run again.After drooling over the shoes I was eager to meet Lisa Raleigh and try my balance rebounding.Lisa arrived, totally unperplexed and immediatly went to work. Her professionalism was as apparent as her love of rebounding.I was able to ask the questions I had prepared … ( please don’t quote Lisa here as I’m writing the answers as I recall them not as they were quoted)

Is rebounding safe if I’m unfit and recovering from broken bones and a blood clot? Yes. Because rebounding is a low impact sport you aren’t required to jump high or do outrageous movements, eliminating damage to your back or knees. You can rebound for short periods at a time making up a full workout throughout the day and therefore can go at your own pace building up stamina.

Is it safe for your toddler to join you ?Lisa has her own little toddler who jumps with her and often joins mom’s class. This was great to hear as any forms of exercize I do currently involves a 2 year old underfoot.And then came the true test as I slipped on a pair of Power shoes ( the black and pink ones) and began a work out with Lisa.


Firstly, it’s not as intimidating as it looks. But I did feel totally unbalanced. So it was great to hear that you can purchace a stabilising bar for your trampoline.

Secondly ….those shoes!!!!! Wow! Not only were they light weight, easy to put on and super comfortable, I felt like I was walking on air. They are really soft and great for rebounding.

Thirdly Lisa has a fun friendly vibe which motivated me to continue jumping. I love that she supplies a usb with exersize routines to follow with her products as I always find it easier to follow a workout than to do my own.I didn’t jump long but my legs felt the workout early into the routine.

I am a new fan and looking into buying myself a rebounder.

As for the shoes ….Sadly I had to take them off …but I did whisper in Santa’s ear what I’d like to find under the Christmas tree.

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