Sense education introduce a refferal program for online learning classes

Are you a parent looking for quality online lessons for your foundation phase child ?

Then look no further than Sense Education.

Who are Sense education?

Sense Education was created to assist Grade R to Grade 3 learners flourish in Mathematics, English and Afrikaans First Additional Language by enriching their understanding through small, fun and interactive classes.Through these classes children can be exposed to concepts taught at school, helping to fill in the gaps and achieve higher academic results.

Through these classes children can be exposed to concepts taught at school, helping to fill in the gaps and achieve higher academic results.

Sense education currently teach online lessons and in-class lessons at selected schools.

Why you should invest in Sense Education Online Classes.

  • Sense education support children in the Foundation Phase, which is where the foundation for all future learning occurs Sense education focus on learning in a fun environment by playing educational games

    • Each lesson revolves around a PowerPoint lesson which captures their attention
    • Teachers build relationships with the children and get to know what type of learning they need and how to individually help them achieve results
    • Sense education offer the benefit of small group learning and a fixed schedule through a regular timeslot every week
    • Children’s confidence gets a boost, when they realise they can do the challenging tasks
    • Sense Education only have qualified teachers with full four year degrees
    • The children get to interact with others, laugh (we like to do this), ask questions and be themselves in a very small group
    • Since it is online, parents get to work whilst teachers teach.

About the online classes

There is a choice between English, Mathematics, Afrikaans First Additional Language (FAL) or multiple subjects.

The Mathematics and English program consists of two 40 minutes lessons via Zoom per subject per week.

The Afrikaans FAL program consists of one 40 minute lesson per week.

There are no more than four children in a class. (It should be noted that these classes are an extension on what the children are learning, and does not replace their usual schooling. It can be seen as an academic extra-mural.)

Investment and Enrolment

The investment into furthering your child’s education is R160 per lesson. Working on a first come first serve basis, as there are limited spots available and these slots fill up very quickly.

If you would like to enrol all you need to do is fill in the enrolment form and send it back to

Earn a refferal fee

Sense education are now offering a 5% of the terms fee as a refferal fee if you recommend their services to your friends and family.

For more information :

Sense Education Website:

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