This book review is in collaboration with : Murray and Me
Title: Thomas and the Trumpet
Author: Milan Murray
Published by: Murray and Me
This delightful picture book is a Cipla intitiative, written by Millan Murray to highlight the fact that children with asthma can lead a normal life.
Thomas, is a typical adventurous boy who has asthma.
One day he visits his grandparents and discovers along his many adventures, a trumpet but when he tries to blow it he just keeps coughing. Thomas is taken to the doctor where he learns he has asthma.
This well written book with quirky illustrations and engaging text educates young children about the truths and myths of asthma through a relatable story.
Double sided there is an English and an Afrikaans version. This book also comes with a cute board game and CD.
Disclaimer : All books are sponsored unless stated and the opinions expressed within the review are my own.