50 budget friendly fun holiday activities to keep the kids busy.

It’s the holidays and you have 2 weeks to keep the kids busy.

Whilst there are many amazing and wonderful programs, workshops and activities for the kids, often there are also parents who just can not afford to use these options as they exceed the budget.

Here’s my list of 50 budget friendly things you can do with the kids these holidays.

  1. Perform a puppet show
  2. Make magazine collages
  3. Play board games
  4. Have a bubble bath or fill a small plastic pool with bubbles
  5. Have a dance party
  6. Listen to an audio book or make your own by recording a book you read
  7. Make paper chains
  8. Build a blanket fort
  9. Make box cars, boats or houses
  10. Bake together
  11. Play dress up
  12. Go to the library
  13. Play a card game
  14. Build puzzles
  15. Blow bubbles
  16. Have an indoor picnic
  17. Go on a scavenger hunt
  18. Be superheroes with homemade capes made from towels
  19. Draw or paint a picture
  20. Start a scrapbook
  21. Make a video of your child singing or saying a poem
  22. Make paper aeroplanes
  23. Make and play with playdough
  24. Make friendship braclets
  25. Play with balloons
  26. Make your own musical instruments
  27. Paint each others faces
  28. Watch a movie
  29. Play hopscotch
  30. Have a tea party
  31. Make a car wash for toy cars
  32. Have a foam fight outside
  33. Make mud pies
  34. Finger paint
  35. Play in puddles
  36. Play hide and seek
  37. Go on a nature walk
  38. Plant flowers and start a garden
  39. Make shadow puppets
  40. Build a shoe box city
  41. Paint rocks
  42. Play charades
  43. Write letters to friends and family
  44. Write it tell a story
  45. Learn new songs or rhymes
  46. Read a book
  47. Build Lego towers
  48. Make a toy hospital and let your child be the doctor
  49. Run races or have an indoor obstaclean course
  50. Cuddle up and say I love you

How ever you choose to spend the holidays may then be full of love and memories.

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