Activity- An introduction to Symmetrical objects for preschoolers

Teaching your child about symmetry doesn’t need to be a daunting prospect.

I made this fun game for Hamish to help him understand the concept of symmetrical objects using a few hand drawn cards and a small mirror.

How to make your symmetrical game

To make your own you will need:

  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Markers
  • Small mirror

To make your own:

Cut your cardboard into several smaller cards.

Onto these cards draw half of an object that is symmetrical. Items like faces, flowers,bodies, animals, house, kite, etc work best.

How to play

Showing symmetry

Once your cards are drawn, show your child how to hold the card right next to the mirror and explain that the mirror will reflect the image, completing the other half of the symmetrical object.

Extended activities

Let them explore on their own with the cards and you can extend this activity by having your child point out other symmetrical objects in the home for you to draw.

You can also introduce a few asymmetrical objects to help to differentiate to your child how to telling an object is symmetrical or asymmetrical .

Using your cards containing both symmetrical and asymmetrical objects, let your child try each card and classify the objects accordingly.

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