I was looking for an easy baking option for Hamish and so we made these Easter bunny biscuits.
It’s supposed to be a bunny from behind, with a fluffy tail and whiskers.
They were very easy to make and a nice activity to keep the little ones occupied this weekend.
You will need:
- Marie biscuits
- Marshmallows – 1 per biscuit
- Sprinkles optional
- Icing sugar ( mixed)
- Sweets to cut as whiskers
To make:
- Make up your icing sugar.
- Spread icing onto a marie biscuit
- Cut each marshmallow into 3 pieces.
- For the tail piece, use a section of the marshmallow that you cut.
- Squeeze the other two pieces at the corners and dip in sprinkles.( optional)
- Cut sweets as whiskers
- Let your child build the biscuit to resemble a bunny.
- Enjoy