Jelly orange slices

The first time I made jelly orange slices was for my eldest daughter’s first birthday in 1995.

I remember spending hours in the kitchen, alongside my grandmother, as we cut and cleared the oranges to get them ready for the warm jelly.

She shared how she had used these at my mother and uncles birthday parties and over the years I’ve used this recipe often to add a bit of happiness and colour to a day.

You will need:

  • 2 oranges cut in half and scooped out.
  • 1 pkt of ready mix jelly

This recipe makes 4 -6 halves.

To make:

  • Cut your oranges and scoop out the flesh.
  • Mix up your jelly as directed on the box.
  • Pour into the oranges and place in fridge until set.
  • Once set cut into wedges.

You can also add sprinkles or serve with custard or ice cream.

These look amazing made in a variety of colours at a party.