Yesterday we joined the YADA homeschool group for an interesting lesson at Kirstenbosch gardens.
It was truly informative and I personally walked away with some great ideas to implement into our nature studies this year.
One of those ideas was an easy craft we did.
The kids first walked around the garden and once we stopped were given some leaves from the plants we had seen to identify.
These leaves were then stuck onto a piece of card with double sided tape and labeled.
Super easy !
Also, a fantastic hands on way to help our children learn the bane of plots and identify them.
As I said, I’m going to be using this more often on our nature walks, as I truly love how easy and efficient this was.
Here’s how you can make your own cards to take a piece of the garden home with you.
You will need:
Cardboard- the pieces we used were recycled from cereal boxes.
Double sided tape
Assortment of leaves or flowers
Cut your Cardboard into small squares.
Place a piece of double sided tape through the middle. Leave the outer strip on until you are ready to use your card.
Go on a nature walk and identify a few plants. Take a leaf of flower from the plant. Let your child pull of the outer strip of the tape and paste the leaf or flower on.
Use the marker to label the plant. You could also add a date, the place you took your nature walk and other notes to the back of the card.
You can refer back to these and identify the plants.
Let’s raise children who can identify more plants and animals than brands and logos