Bubble painting

Bubble painting is a fun way for toddlers and preschoolers to create art without a paint brush.

With very few supplies your kids can create some colorful masterpieces.

Bubble paint

We choose this option quite often as I like the pastel shades created by the bubbles.

You will need:

  • Small bowl for each colour
  • Straw for each colour
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Water
  • Food colouring


For each colour, Place a few drops of dishwashing liquid in a bowl.

Add some food colouring and a little water.

💥Note you can substitute the food colouring for powdered craft paint for a more vibrant shade.

💥For a thicker paint and brighter look you can substitute the water for milk.

To paint

When using bubble paints it is important to remember that a toddler’s first instinct may be to suck not blow, especially as they inhale to blow out.

I start by covering the table with a dish towel to catch any mess.

Next I let Hamish just blow bubbles for a while.

Once he has mastered blowing and is producing large colorful bubbles, I will give him a piece of paper to place over the bubbles.

The bubbles press and pop against the paper, causing an interesting pattern to transfer onto the paper.

This looks wonderful done in a variety of colours.

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