Hamish at 2 and a half, is still small and so the concepts of tomorrow, later, next week or 2 days from now all merge into a collective “NOT NOW” in toddler time.
Knowing this I wanted a way to count down the days until Easter Sunday’s Easter egg hunt for him.
His Advent calendar worked well over Christmas and I looked for something similar.
A fizzy egg
I discovered that Therific naturals had a set of 6 Easter fizzle eggs.
This was 6 colourful egg shaped bath bombs that fizzled when dropped in the water. The bath eggs are made from magnesium sulphate and are both good for your body and relaxing.
Therific Naturals were kind enough to send us a box of their beautifully presented eggs to try.
Our experience
Hamish was immediately drawn to the spotted one and I let him try one that evening, leaving 5 for us to use to count down the days until his Easter Sunday egg hunt.
Amazed at the vibrant child friendly colours that leaked slowly into his bath of warm water he giggled and kept picking up the now melting egg as it began to fizzle.
We discovered that you can draw on the bath as bath paints and your legs or arms as body paint.
It’s non toxic and doesn’t leave a stain on bath or body. It opens off easily with water and there’s no ring left around the bath after use.
He was equally as excited to find the small sponge in the centre of the egg. A double surprise.
Benefits of magnesium sulphate
Hamish was impressed but I was curious to find out how exactly using Therific naturals products would be good for Hamish and was delighted to find that there are many benefits of Magnesium Sulphate, for example :
- Better Magnesium absorption which is very important for overall health
- Promotes sleep and reduces stress for tired and restless chikdren
- Helps with digestion and tummy upsets
- Speeds up recovery after exercise
- Reduces pain and swelling for all those bumps and bruises
- Relaxes muscles after a tough day
With my new found knowledge about the product I was sure this would be the perfect way to keep him calm over a very hyped up and sugar induced Easter weekend.
A countdown
On Wednesday night I started by letting him see the box and explained when there was one surprise egg left that was his egg hunt day.
Wednesday came and he giggled through an orange bath of calming fizzle fun. As did Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Each day we counted down another day less.
This morning I showed him the last egg and reminded him that Today was infact the egg hunt day.
Tonight we added our last egg to the bath. This really was one of the nicest, most fun ways to help my busy toddler stay calm during Easters festivities.
If you’d like to learn more about Therific naturals visit their website http://www.therific.com