About 6 months ago Hamish started showing signs of being interested in what the letters of the alphabet were.
He would point out the H for Hamish and watched several episodes of Wordworld picking up letters as he watched.
Being only 2 years old, I was reluctant to start teaching the alphabet but he now identifies and spells his entire name, as well as several other letters so we have started more formal letter learning with a letter of the week.

Letter of the week
We will be starting with a letter of the week and Pintrest is full of wonderful ideas for letter of the week.
I personally prefer more hands on activities, learning through play and minimal flashcards and worksheets at this age.
You can follow along with us on Instagram as we learn our letters. I’ll be posting all our activities to the blog as well.
Getting started
To start, introduce the letter of the week on a big poster. You can make this yourself by writing the letters and pasting on some foam alphabet letters, as I’ve done here.

When you introduce the letter to your child, teach both the letter name and its phonetic sound : ie: Aa
(Show both upper and lower case letters on your poster.)
Post your letter of the week where your child will see it often, ie on the fridge
And encourage your child to name the letter a you cook, walk past the fridge or on the way to get a cup of water.

Colouring activity
You can download the free colouring pages to accompany your letter of the week off many sites online.
I like to keep these each week to make an Alphabet keepsake book for my child to read at the end of learning their letters.
You can also, use a colouring in page for each letter and display it where your child can see it along with your Alphabet letter of the week.
Added activities
This week we will also be making flashcards and an alphabet book to compliment our learning . You can find them here:
Make your own Alphabet flashcardsand Make your own Alphabet scrapbook