Food storage with GLAD

GLAD is all about convenience and food storage – keeping food fresh, for longer – helping your bank account and the planet!

Here are some useful storage tips to help you food last longer and some apple specific storage info.

Did you know?

  • There is a great online tool from the UK, to help you solve all your food storage questions. Such as, store in the fridge or cupboard? Click here to access the tool.
  • Did you know that your fridge should be set to below 5 degrees? If you get this right, your food could last up to 3 days longer!
  • Its best to wait for hot food to cool down to room temperature before placing in the fridge – don’t let it stand out too long though, especially in summer.

Make small and simple changes to reduce food waste by:

  • Buying what you need
  • Storing food properly
  • Eating what you buy

Apples storage:

  • Store apples in the FRIDGE, ideallyin their original packaging.
  • If you want to FREEZE apples, first quickly cook them in boiling water and then slice them. Freeze in a single layer on GLAD Bake & Cooking Paper, then pack into GLAD Freezer Bags once frozen. You can use the frozen apples to make apple cake or apple sauce.
  • According to LoveFoodHateWaste, “one bad apple can spoil the barrel, so keep an eye on your fruit.” Take out the rotten or over-ripe fruit from the others.
  • With apples, cut off any bruised parts and eat the rest as is, grate into a salad, or add to a smoothie.
  • You can use up wrinkly or soft fruit in smoothies. Apples which are past their best are ideal for stewing to make apple sauce or use up in a crumble.

All GLAD products are made for your convenience with the purpose of keeping your food fresh for longer. GLAD – Saving good food. From going bad.

Please visit for more information and follow ‘GLAD SOUTH AFRICA’ on Facebook; Available in the GLAD aisle of most supermarkets