Recently at the Build a bear 25th birthday gala event Hamish not only met his idol but also got to sing with her.
When Berry was in idols he sat with me as we supported her each week, voting and sharing her amazing voice.
Berry is super talented and her voice is amazing.
Hamish got to know her face and when he saw her at the event his eyes lit up and he quickly asked for a selfie too. The look on his face is priceless. He was so excited to finally meet her.
A little later, he was called up on stage to sing with her.
It’s very hard to put into words how excited he was. Did he know the words of the song …not really, but he and his nerves rushed up on that stage ready to sing. YOU CAN VIEW THE VIDEO HERE
Berry was so sweet and helped him along and this is a Video I’m sure he will treasure as he gets older. ( I even shed a few mom proud moment tears as I watched how nervous he was yet still continued)
At the end of the song he was smiling ear to ear and that night I was still listening to how cool it was that he got to sing with Berry.
Thank you Berry for making a little boy’s day so much brighter.