Recently Hamish was on Expresso Morning show with Sparkle parties showing some of the sustainable crafts this imaginative party planning company offer as part of their party service.One of those crafts was this beautiful teranium that Hamish got to keep after the show.It holds pride of place in our home on his shelf and is such an easy craft to introduce the water cycle, how plants grow and how to take care of plants to preschoolers.So, inspired by Sparkle Parties I thought I’d show you how to make an easy teranium with your little ones.
Make your own teranium
You will need:
- Clean wide mouth jar and lid
- Small pebbles ( relative to the size of your jar)
- Activated charcoal
- Soil
- Colourful fish tank stones ( optional)
- Small plastic figures – Hamish used a dinosaur but you can use fairies, little houses, any plastic animals or little dolls
- Cuttings from a succulent plant
How to assemble your teranium
- Scoop the small pebbles into the jar
- Then add some activated charcoal ( Your jar should be about a quarter full now)
- Now add the soil to just over the half way mark of your jar
- Plant your succulent.
- Add the fish tank stones if you want to add some colour to your jar
- Add your decorative stones or plastic figures
- Water your teranium. It is best to water with a spray bottle.
- Put the lid on