Mom’s are so often overwealmed as we go about the thankless task of cooking, cleaning and caring for others.
Feeding baby, Fighting with toddlers to brush teeth, Forcing preschoolers to pick up toys, Finding new ways to comfort our children, Fending for our tweens as they start to become independent Focusing on our Teens as they push us away and Forgiving our adult children from thinking we know nothing.
Giving all the time.
No time to go to the bathroom alone, and just when they grow you start to panic more …are they safe, did they eat, do they have winter clothing.
As mom’s we carry our own little worlds, so when I read these words from Emma Heafy, that express this so well, I wanted to share.
Mom, you may need to hear just how amazing you are today 💞
Just a mom
Words by Emma Heafy
“I’m just a mum”.⠀
You are not just a mum, you are someone’s everything.⠀
Their world.⠀
Their protector.⠀
Their comfort.⠀
In you they see a level of safety no one else can provide. ⠀
In you they trust absolutely.⠀
Just doesn’t come into it. ⠀
You are not just a mum, you are the most important piece of someone’s puzzle. ⠀
Their rock.⠀
Their consistent. ⠀
Their superhero. ⠀
In you they see everything you don’t always see.⠀
In you they believe absolutely.⠀
Just doesn’t come into it.⠀
You are not just a mum, you are someone’s jack of all trades. ⠀
Their cook.⠀
Their teacher. ⠀
Their nurse.⠀
In you, they see no limits to your devotion. ⠀
In you they rely absolutely.⠀
Just doesn’t come into it.⠀
You are not just a mum, you are working in testing conditions.⠀
No sleep.⠀
No sick days.⠀
No pay.⠀
Through your sacrifices they get everything. ⠀
Through you they grow.⠀
Just doesn’t come into it.⠀
You are not just a mum, you are raising the future. ⠀
The children.⠀
The parents.⠀
The grandparents.⠀
Through your contributions the world benefits.⠀
Through you it improves.⠀
Just doesn’t come into it.⠀
You are not just a mum, you are so much more.⠀
It’s true.⠀
Believe it.⠀
Say it.⠀
Just doesn’t come into it.