Keep It Clean This Holiday with CHUX®  

The kids are home for the holidays… spending time outdoors and indoors getting creative, but things can get messy with so many fingers around the house, day in and out.

Chux cleaning products will help with the mess so you can keep up with the fun!

Keeping the kids entertained is busy work and there is no reason why cleaning up afterwards can’t be quick and easy.

Here are some quick tips to keep it clean:

  • A steady stream of snacks and can mean stubborn food splatter in your microwave. Simply use a moistened CHUX Non Scratch Scourer Scrub to remove the grease and grime.

  • More showers. Each time you pop in the shower, take a CHUX® Magic Eraser® block in with you. In moments it will remove soap scum from tiles and glass with just water. Best of all you no longer need chemicals to get a brilliant clean in your shower!

  • Why waste money buying expensive re-fills for your sweepers. Just attach a CHUX® Superwipe® to the bottom of your sweeper – works just as well, and you can rinse it to use over and over.

  • White sports shoes looking worn out? A CHUX Magic Eraser® will bring them back to life and they will look like new.

Let the memories of a great school holiday remain.

Chux® helps make the big chores smaller.

Chux® offers an extensive range of quality cleaning accessories to help you tackle any cleaning challenge around your home.

Regardless of your preferred cleaning routine, no matter the mess … there’s a Chux® for whatever life Chux® at you.

For more information on Chux® visit or Chux® can be found at selected Spar, Pick n Pay Family and OK Foods stores nationwide

*content supplied

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