There is a lot of controversy within the parenting communities about reward charts. Some parents swear by them and others think that they are a giant waste of time.
Now what would you say if I told you they can be both.

I will explain…
Pros and cons of reward charts
I love reward charts for Hamish. I think that being used in a consistent manner they can help a child reach a goal as they are able to see and track their progress.
I love that they motivate a child to perform better and that often they are just total fun.
There is always a danger in a larger group of children that a reward chart will in fact damage a child’s self-esteem as they compare their progress to that of their peers and instead of motivating them, the reward chart will demotivate and set your child up for failure.
So, do I personally believe that reward charts should be used for every child, in every situation ….no!
Personal experience
However,we have personally had great outcomes for potty training, school work goals, bed training, and reading with Hamish using reward charts.
He is the only small child we have in the house and has no one to compare his achievements with, allowing us to use the reward chart to build up his self-esteem, highlight his achievements and assist him to reach a personal goal.
When I had 6 little ones in the home, things were a lot different. I hated reward charts.
As a family, we weren’t consistent enough to stick to one. My younger children were not motivated to learn from their older siblings’ success and I found the reward charts brought about low self-worth and a multitude of sibling rivalry as the kids judged and compared themselves.
So. I think if you are going to use a reward chart …..
- Be specific.
- Consider if it is the right kind of motivation for your child or children.
- Discuss how the chart does not measure who we are, what we are good at or our worth with your children.
- Keep the goals short and reward quickly so that your child does not get demotivated.
- Build self esteem daily through words of affirmation, praise and acknowledgement of good behaviour, kindness, etc so that the reward chart is not the sole check list of how well you feel they behave.
We use these Reward charts and stickers from Tower products avaliable in most retailers.