Many of us rush out just before school starts to buy our children new school bags and either toss last year’s one into a cupboard or out in the trash.
However, many parents clean an old bag, stitch broken handles, or honestly just simply can not afford a new bag for their children for the school year. These parents would welcome your childrens gently used pre-loved school bags.

How you can help
Moms you can make a difference this year by supporting the“I’ve got your bag!” initiative. This is a school bag donation drive to get bags to less privileged children in South Africa.
Because the harsh reality is that the majority of children in under-resourced communities are walking kilometers every day, just to get to school. They don’t have bags to carry their books in and are using plastic packets to hold their school lunches, books and stationary. We all know how heavy school bags can be. With you donating your old school bags you could help a child in need, that will last a long time.
Simply bring those previously loved bags, and Hands of Love will distribute them to those in need.
The only stipulation is that you please ensure that bags are cleaned before.
Dropoff point
If you live in Cape Town and would like to donate your school bag to someone who could really use it, these are the locations where you can drop them off.
If you are a school and would like to participate either by donating or collecting school bags, please send an email to
Drop off points:
1. Curro Century City High School
Socrates Way, Century City
2. HTS Bellville Technical High School
Corner of College and Strand road
Labiance, Bellville
Visit for more infomation