Road Trip – Day 3 Scottsburgh to The Natal Midlands

Road trip

Day 3

Scottsburgh- The Natal Midlands 

Our accommodation in Scottsburgh was with Brent’s mom. She stays in a lovely little flat that overlooks the river and is the most amazing place to view the wild birds and monkeys from. Hamish absolutely loved the view and fell in love with all the vervet monkeys that so freely roam about the trees.

This was super convenient for us as we were able to leave most of our luggage and pack smaller before heading to The Natal Midlands with his mom.


It naturally wouldn’t be a holiday without some shopping so we headed to the local mall in Scottsburgh to grab some beach clothing ( The only thing in my far too over packed luggage I did not pack in) and a new bedtime story book for Hamish.

The mall caters well for the locals and has some decent places to eat, well known stores and some specialised stores.

I didn’t want anything too expensive so we popped into PEP and we bought some beach towels and beach outfits before we found a book store and a place to buy a beach bucket and spade.

We also desperately needed to get the car washed. We had left the car at the car wash while shopping and returned to a fresh smelling car awaiting us

Then it was time to meet up with some of Brent’s family at the beach for a quick catch-up before we visited the Galleria Mall for some lunch.

I love the Galleria and look forward to a longer visit in Natal so that I can explore this mall a little longer.

Looking for a place to eat, we chose to eat at Circus Circus cafe, and honestly, if we lived in Natal, this would be the only place I ate !

Read my review here

Never have I had such beautifully plated, dainty, or more tasty nachos

Hamishs kids’ meals were served with as much attention as any of our meals. The meal and service were amazing.

After lunch, we took the scenic drive to our accomadationfor the next two days, Pleasant places in the Midlands.

The lush greenery around us and dusty roads add to the ambiance of tranquility as we entered under a small bridge with beautiful murals, passed children playing in the road, and winded down an arch of tall trees until we reached our accommodation for the evening.

Pleasant places took my breath away.

Upon arrival you immediately notice the thatched rooves and lush gardens.

We had booked online and at first found that the rooms were quite far apart from each other and we upgraded our accommodation to two rooms next to each other. Each with balconies overlooking a green valley.

Quickly freshening up and unloading the car, we then had time to take in the area. Hamish discovered a magical trail which he took us all on and I took advantage of this gorgeous space to take photos.

Later that evening we were treated to a remarkable supper, great hospitality, and a stunning sunset.

Totally relaxed, we went to bed with plans to explore the Natal midlands next day.



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