Smile FM roadshow – Tablebay mall

Brent is the biggest Smile FM fan. He has the radio on daily and absolutely loves Ryan O’Connor’s morning show.

So, when Smile FM announced that they were embarking on a roadshow and giving away a new car, it was inevitable that we would find ourselves at one of the many venues. ( Mostly because he wanted to support Smile FM but also because he really wants to win a new car)

A mall near you

Two weeks ago, Smile FM were broadcasting from V & A Waterfront and we were going to go and guess how many balls were in the car, in hopes to maybe win. However, the day ran away with us and we never did.

And it just so happens that this week, they were broadcasting a little closer to home for us at Tablebay Mall, it was a no Brainer…. we were heading to take our chances and win a car.

Ricky Schroeder

I’d been shopping and Brent had taken Hamish to go find the car and cast their guesses. On route to find him, I came across their broadcast spot and messaged Brent to say I was standing at the broadcasting spot.It wasn’t long before I was joined by Brent and Hamish and we joined in the fun banter and enthusiastic atmosphere from Ricky Schroeder and the Smile FM team.

As Brent is a huge Smile FM fan, I naturally reached out and asked Ricky for a photo with Brent and Hamish. ( I think the Smile on Brent’s face says it all)

Ricky is amazing and took time to chat to us all and even took a photo of Brent’s Liverpool tattoo to share with Ryan O’Connor. ( I think they both Liverpool football fans)

The great sandwich cook-off

Jenny Morris was also at the roadshow and in true Jenny Morris style she was fun, vibrant and ready to cook. As a family we’ve attended a few Mandela day events where Jenny has been and I love her energy.

It just happened that she choose Brent alongside another unsuspecting cook-off partner and before they knew what was happening, they were kitted out in Smile FM T-shirts, handed a chopping board and were being instructed on how to make their sandwiches.

And the cook-off had begun …. both guys were super serious about their cooking skills and ready to impress the audience.

With Jenny giving instructions along the way and adding extra mayo to the final creations.

Then, the judging started. Brent’s chicken sandwich was declared the winner and his Smile got even bigger when they handed both contestants a R500 voucher each from the mall.


That’s how Brent ended up with a chicken roll for lunch and Hamish was given a special sandwich made by Jenny just for him.

It’s not even day that Jenny Morris makes your lunch !



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