I’m a huge fan of the Tiger Tribe range of creative kits.
Because they are fun, engaging, full of creative hands-on learning ideas and contain everything you need to complete the activities. ( The few items you may need like oil, scissors or a potato are easily found around the house)
They are also the perfect size for taking on holiday, adding to Christmas gifts, keeping for rainy days, or using as part of a homeschooling curriculum.
Hamish loves them too.
Tiger Tribe Rainbow Lab kit
This Rainbow lab kit was a complete hit in our home. It comes neatly packaged in a small box that opens up to reveal a separate box of items needed as well as an activity/instruction book that is full of facts and fun ways for kids to keep busy and learning.
In today’s world STEAM is an important part of our children’s education and these 24 activities not only build onto your child’s natural curiosity to learn about the world around them, but they also focus on ideas and projects that make learning about Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths fun.
There are 24 activities all together and these are made up of 11colour related educational activities to help your child learn more about colour, 7 craft activities and 6 hands-on science experiments to complete.
The science experiments were Hamish’s favourite. He especially loved the rainbow rain and milk it experiments.
The crafts were easy to complete with several having press outs in the book. We got to write secret messages, print with potatoes and make a magic waterlily.
I found the information, in the book, age appropriate.
Written in an interesting manner and for a child who doesn’t like to colour in much, Hamish was totally engrossed in completing the colouring activities …because of the pencil crayons that breaks up and can be reattached.
These kits are perfect for kids 6 +.
Personally I feel that this is a wonderful educational resource that keeps the kids busy, the minds active and puts the curiosity back into learning.
Shop @_tigertribe_ products at
Takealotcom, pret_a_play_za, Makebelieve.co, Sugardotssa, Leetle_people,Timelesstoysza,Playtoysa, Neverlandtoys