I recently and very excitedly hired a person to put together a video of my blog.
With huge expectations I expected him to see my vision.
I expected him to read my tag line …Educate, Encourage and Inspire.
I expected him to pick up the playful tone that often hides more serious topics and to delve deeper into the topics I’ve posted on . ( on this site and the one I’m very slowly moving my blogs over from. old site )
I expected him to see that above all else I am more than just a mother!
What I got back was an insult to my intelligence and my blog.
A complete misconception of my brand. A childish overly colourful badly chucked together video, full of animation and goudy colourful words.
I was shocked.
Surely this was not how he saw my brand and after a discussion with him it was revealed my video was made more on his stereotypical views than any research.
This has led me to view the world a little differently and I thought I’d just clarify …
What my blog is not …
1. It is not a fashion blog.
You will not find my child in the latest by the greatest. Why? Because although I would love to dress him in a new outfit every day my non existent budget won’t allow for this. Nor do I believe the average mom can afford to do this either. We have hand me downs and bargains. Sales racks and clothing accounts that let us pay our children’s clothing off 6 years after they outgrew them.
Does this mean you won’t find articles on kids fashion? No you will find articles on children’s clothing that are practical and unique. Items that have inspired me to tell you about them. Brands that give back in some way or who have stood out and that I love.
2. I am not a beauty blog.
I am a mother. I am rocking messy buns and cracked nail polish most days. My one leg remains unshaved as I was yelled at by a toddler who couldn’t take his bottle from his dad because …well… because mom was in the bath and he didn’t see me for 4 whole minutes.
Does that mean I don’t like to pamper myself? Hell no ! It just means that these posts are much fewer as my new manicure and fancy nails ( as much as I would love them each week) don’t stand a chance next to playdough and home made slime.
I’m most likely going to tell you how to use shaving cream to teach your child to write and how that YSL perfume that you paid a fortune for at Edgars really works to get the puke smell out of the couch.
As for make up… that has never featured high on my list .I just don’t have time to paint my face when I could be finger painting on the floor.
3. I am not a food blogger
I feed my family and they are still alive but often the recipes I make would never be found in a recipe book.
Several like : “End of the month tins in the cupboard with toast” and “1007 ways to cook pasta this month” There’s also “Oats again family of many” and my ever famous “Oh F#$@ it we don’t have that so leave it out Wednesday night fry up”
You will however find lots of ways to make food fun for kids because I’ve spent 26 years feeding kids who would rather eat pizza.
4. It’s not a ditzy blog
Just because I chose motherhood over my career ( which is still there with a sizable list of accomplishments) and because I love lying on a floor reading to a child, climbing in the mud and teaching little minds to learn does not mean I am unintelligent.
Being a mother is demanding. It’s frowned upon because obviously you can’t be smart not to have an overly taxing career and of course you only do menial things like keep your family alive.🤣
I think this is what upset me the most by the stereotypical mindset of this young millennial who viewed motherhood as pure animated crap.
A friend of mine recently said “we each define success differently.”
I have 26 years education experience, ran a private school, have written workshops in childhood education, been published, hold a teaching and a digital marketing certificate, have run many of my own businesses, worked in several industries, traveled extensively, volunteers in positions I felt strongly about, taught preschool in both traditional and montessori methods, studied art and submitted writings to various publications.
But these are not my success…
For me being successful is being a good mother, raising strong courageous independent children and teaching them that family is the most important thing in the world.
So, my blog is so much more than just some dumb mom who writes stuff down….
It’s a space where I hope moms can understand motherhood is the most important job you will ever hold. You are amazing whether you stay at home or work full time. You don’t need to be perfect. You are allowed to make mistakes. Each mom is different but You are the best mom your kids need and most importantly …
Absolutely, doing the best that you can do at the time , is all that matters ❤️
And most importantly… Have Fun!!