Christmas time is the time for gifts and festivities, but how many of those gifts last into the New year?
Many parents are choosing to invest in technology gifts to help their children to foster a development of skills and knowledge that will equip them for tomorrow’s workforce.
Whilst the assumption that doing this may force children to grow up too soon, as parents, we also need to remember in our ever changing world, toys are advancing.
Technology toys range from STEM building kits to children’s tablets, loaded with software to encourage knowledge and learning in a wide variety of learning areas.
Making technology toys a winning combination of fun, imagination and learning.
The perfect gifts to invest in.
What are STEM toys
STEM stands for Science , Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Toys or learning kits that fall onto this category are thse that promote the learning of these areas.
You can read more about Stem for kids. And see an example of a first stem kit for preschoolers.
My top 3 technology gift guide
So, as a mom what would I be choosing ?
Here’s my list of the top 3 trending technology toys for 2019
1. Smart watches
Smart watches are widely available. They start at a price range of R300.
Most smart watches are touch screen and have a variety of features, but as parents our favourite feature is the GPS tracker.
With these watches you can also do two way chats, send an SOS, SMS, voice chat and have App remote monitors.
They are compatible with iOS or Android smart phones.
2. STEM kits
STEM is the study of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
There are many kits that encourage learning trough play by building and constructing these robots, solar transportation, creations and experiments.
You can buy simple kits that start at a price range of R50 from Game, Makro, 4akid and Takalot
3. Kids Tablets
Children love to use mom or dad’s phones and tablets.
Instead of fighting to use your phone or tablet, equip them with their very own safe educational tablet which usually comes equipped with educational games, pre-installed programs and applications.
These start from around R350 and are suitable from 3 years. Most tablets offer a warranty and come with parental control.
But how do you know which tablet to buy?
I found this guide from Pixelsmithstudios helpful.
This year give a gift that will keep them entertained, is durable and empowers your child to learn the skills through play.
Do you have any other Technology gifts you would add to this list? I’d love to hear in the comments below.
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