Day 3 for the #blogbosswinterblogchallenge asks me what 5 Apps I can’t live without.
I was born in a time where we used to find our information in hard cover encyclopedias not at the click of a Google search so I’m still not much of an App fan.
I do however see the benefit of a great App and I use several daily to keep in contact and work.
On my phone the top 5 Apps I use are :
1.Social Media ( Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp)
These are my means to communicate with friends and family worldwide. It allows me to share one idea, thought, event or post and just tag the relevant people.
I also use them for business, to make new contacts, network, engage and interact with people reading my blogs.
2. You tube
I have a toddler we need to watch baby shark and Pink Fong somewhere 🤷
Seriously though, I use YouTube for tutorials to enhance my skills, quickly catch up on trends and for music.
3. Google
What would I do without Google ? From looking up information, finding things to do, reading new magazines, job opportunities, maps and 1001 other uses each day.
4. WordPress
I couldn’t run my blogs without the WordPress App. In fact I write all my personal blogs from my phone straight to the App.
5. Banking App
I need this one at least once a month 😂 Online banking is much easier on my phone but I really do delete it way too often to have enough space for my photos.