Why did I start blogging ?

Day 2 on the #blogbosswinterblogchallenge asks why I started blogging.

The truth is I’ve been blogging since I could write only then it was with a pen in huge journals.

I was sharing stories, writing my thoughts and secretly dreaming up big ideas in scribbled cursive handwriting.

In 2010 I started a small homeschool blog sharing our day to day ideas as a diary almost.

My eldest daughter was 18 …how ? And I was suddenly aware just how quick time had gone past.

I wanted to record the precious years I had left with my other 5 children.

It wasn’t a very good blog. I knew nothing about blogging but it was as raw and honest as blogs get.

In 2012 I microblogged on my Fun mamma SA page sharing reviews and ideas. Interviewing celebrities and running parent competitions.

I look back now and realise that this foundation is still one I look back to when I’m stumped for content or what to share on my social pages.

It was also around this time that I started blogging for Julie Hide from Parenting hub and became a parenting expert with The Baby Club.

I expanded my confidence and started guest writing on other blogs.

I still wasn’t really sure how blogging worked but I was writing and I was happy.

In 2016, a few weeks before Hamish was born someone advertised for parent bloggers for a new parent website called Planet mom. I applied and I can now call Karolien a dear friend.

Somewhere between sending her a blog a week instead of a month I decided to set up a free blog site.

My first blogs were atrocious 🤦 and I can laugh about it now because that’s how we learn by making mistakes and practising.

You can read them at http://www.funmammasa.wordpress.com

Today I run 3 blogs and a company that offers SEO blog writing services to businesses that don’t have the time or ability to write SEO rich blogs.

I also encourage other bloggers to write…


Because blogging gave me confidence. It built my skills when I thought I was “just a mom” and it has been my creative outlet.

I’m a story teller and this is my story.

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