Day 7 of #blogbosswinterblogchallenge ask that I choose 5 photos and say what they mean to me.
With thousands of photos in my galleries I chose to share 5 photos from the photos I took this week.
Photo 1 …. Coffee
How do you start your day? I start and end every day with a cup of coffee.
Usually strong with a hint of sugar and no milk ( as I’m lactose intolerant) .
Occasionally I spoil myself with a cupaccino …. Not that I should.
This cup was from the Bokeh event at V and A Waterfront.
Photo 2 … The view
I never tire of the harbour view. Not just this picture perfect luxury setting but the working docks and dry dock as well.
There’s a beauty and a bustle I can’t explain. That combined with the ocean scent and mountain background are the reason I’ve filled hundreds of digital albums of random boat pictures.
Photo 3 … Noble square
Nobel square is situated at V and A Waterfront and shows our South African hero’s who have earned Nobel Peace prizes.
These statues are one of the first images I photographed when moving to Cape Town, 5 years ago.
They remind me that ordinary people can do great things!
Photo 4 … The rhinos are coming
If you’ve visited the V and A waterfront you’ve seen the amazing The Rhinos are coming collection of artistically designed rhino statues.
Each rhino has been designed and painted by a different artist to represent a theme.
I don’t have a single favourite …I love them all.
Photo 5 …. A little history
I love history. You can find me as happy as a pig in mud exploring museums and I often will do the walking tour at the V and A Waterfront.
It’s free. Grab a map and follow the signage to discover the rich history of this area.
Great fun if you feel like a tourist in your city moment.