Day 6 of #BlogbossWinterBlogchallenge is
A letter to my blog readers
Dear Reader
I borrowed these words because they express so well how I feel….
I hope you feel like a welcomed spark to my life, not an inconvenience, annoyance, or bother to my day.
I hope you feel comfortable in your skin, not constantly wondering how many things you need to change before you’re loved and celebrated.
I hope you feel heard, valued, and understood, not dismissed for being too young and too inexperienced to have an opinion or know what you need to thrive.
I hope you feel capable and confident, not incapable of doing something without constant supervision and correction.
I hope you feel brave to bare the colors of your soul, not pressured to hide your light or play small to gain acceptance.
I hope after spending an hour … a day … a lifetime in my presence,
I leave your heart fuller,
your smile wider,
your spirit stronger,
your future brighter
than you could have ever imagined by yourself.
© Rachel Macy Stafford 2014
With love
Judy ♥️