Day 5 of the #blogbosswinterblogchallenge…
The best book I ever read
I hate this question! It’s the same as asking me which of my children I love most.
How does a true book worm choose just one piece of amazing literature from the thousands of beautiful words read over years?
So, I’ll choose the first book I remember reading alone. . . Charlotte’s Web by EB White
A beautiful tale of friendship , Charlotte’s Web is a timeless story about a pig named Wilbur who befriends a spider named Charlotte, which has charmed children and adults alike since it was first published in 1952.
This little story captivated me at 8 years old, and I have since read it many times. I still cry in all the same places and laugh out loud throughout the pages.
There are so many amazing lessons to be learnt through out the book.
“You have been my friend,” Charlotte replied. “That in itself is a tremendous thing.”
If you haven’t read it you can download an ebook here.
You could bake these yummolicious friendship cupcakes with your children.
Or keep the kids entertained and let them make their own Charlotte’s web comic