Build a bear’s 25th birthday gala

I’m a huge Build a bear fan, I have been since I can remember.

In 2020 we took my then-youngest, Kerri to go make a princess birthday bear that she called Candy. This was our first Build a bear experience and she loved it. Along with a pretty pink dress and a voice that said I love you, Candy came home with lots of love. Kerri, now 19, still has her Candy bear.
Many years later, at a Mama magic show, I bought Hamish his first Build a bear. Just a basic brown bear that was almost as tall as him and he fell in love instantaneously with Beary ( who has since been called Teddy)
In September this year, we were in Build a Bear for the Beary fun scavenger hunt and bought him a new bear ….as it was his birthday he got the birthday bear.
His new bear is soft and cuddly and aptly named Cuddles. Being older now he loved the bear-making process. Fluffing his bear, rubbing love into the heart, and making a wish was all parts of the magic of bringing his bear to life.
During the holidays we normally jump online and join Bearmy bear for storytelling and learning activities. Build a bear is very much an everyday part of our lives …
But how much better would it be to meet his bear heroes in real life? 

Build a bear 25th birthday gala event

So, we were all super excited when the invite to Build a bears 25th birthday event arrived in my inbox.
Hamish planned his outfit, weeks before and even had his bears ready ( which he managed to forget in the car)
We arrived at Century City to a group of adults and excited kids outside ready to spend the afternoon celebrating a pawsome milestone with Build a Bear.
The doors opened to a pillar of Build-a-bear balloons and a table of gift bags for the kids.
Kids were then entertained with face painting, balloon sculpture,  a funny clown, and some awesome goodies to eat and drink.
These paint-your-own Build-a-Bear biscuits were the absolute cutest.
Once we were full of snacks and slushies, it was time to grab a few selfies for the gram, say hi to the people we know, and head inside the auditorium to be entertained.


While waiting on the entertainment to start the kids kept themselves busy with balloon sword fights.
Soon Candy bear took the stage to start the afternoon celebrations, bringing Bearmy and Paulette ( the Build a bear mascots) on stage to meet the audience.
We were sitting in the front row so Hamish grabbed a quick hug and photo with his heroes as they left the stage.
The kids were then kept busy with a fun dance activity before the very talented Berry, SA idols winner, took to the stage. She asked for volunteers to come up and sing with her and Hamish had his hand up before he even knew the song. He had watched Idols with me, as we very voting for Berry, and was a little star-struck meeting her …getting to sing with her was the best part of his day.
He did well and nervously sang a bit of you are my sunshine, alongside the other kids on stage.
You can see the video here. It’s so cute.
He also won a transformer bear for his efforts.
Last but not least the kids were invited to a dance-off on stage.
It was a wonderful day, full of spoils and entertainment and in true Build. Bear style lots of love and hugs to the little ones.
After saying a quick goodbye, we headed to the Build a bear shop to fluff up Hamish’s new transformer bear and bring him to life.
A very Happy boy and his new friend headed home.
Thank you Build a bear for a pawesome day and congratulations again on reaching a Beary amazing milestone.

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