Duck says Don’t by Alison Ritchie & Hannah George

This book review is in collaboration with : The Kids Book Club

Title: Duck says Don’t!

Author: Alison Ritchie & Hannah George


This beautifully illustrated book will bring the pond alive as your child meets the critters that live around the clear, sparkly pond.

Goose leaves Duck in charge when she goes away. Duck is very pleased and feels increadible important knowing what a responsibility it is to keep the pond clean and safe.

He promises to do his best.

The water creatures go about their day enjoying the water for all sorts of fun activities and one by one frog erects big signs forbidding anything noisy and fun.

Soon the creatures weren’t able to buzz, dive, splash, fish, race, jump,run or swim.

They were not very happy at all and go off to play elsewhere.

Duck hears how his friends think he is bossy and notices no one wants to be at the pond and so he sets about to fix his mistake.

A gentle reminder on how to be a good friend and not to be too bossy for our children.

This book comes with a CD read by Anna Crace.

Disclaimer : All books are sponsored unless stated and the opinions expressed within the review are my own.

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