Happy Twenty Twenty Thrive
Well 2025 has started with a bang for many of us and the online community as a collective, seems quite positive going into this new year.
For us 2025 brings a few changes and a whole mountain of new things to accomplish and try.
Quiet New Year
We spent New years eve quietly on a small farm in Ashton and I fell asleep before midnight. Whilst I felt bad that Brent had to see the New Year in while his wife was snoring next to him, it was also the perfect way for me to put into practice my resolution of pouring into my own cup and answering my needs alongside those of my family, work and life.
We travelled back home to Cape Town on New Years day and I was pleased to find the roads were really quiet. Once home, we all found our space of happiness and kept busy for the day.
All in all, it was a great way to start 2025 – rested; content and surrounded by family!
Quiet holidays
One of the other changes I’ve made is to be more intentional about how we spend our time and with whom. Our last two weeks of holidays in January are normally filled with holiday clubs and outings. We race about meeting the schedule of an incredibly demanding calendar, exhausted from fitting so much into the intinary of our days. This year, I opted to spend these two weeks at home. The days had no fixed plans and I took leave- which if you work for yourself online, you’ll know is virtually impossible!
For the first time in 8 years, I took a full month’s leave and did not check emails, create content, post anything that wasn’t scheduled or rush about gathering stats and analytics. For the first time in ages my body and mind feel rested, refreshed and less stressed! I highly recommend a regular digital detox to everyone!
Be prepared
As Janu-worry creeps up, we all are reminded of just how much we actually spent in December and how quickly those school needs creep up on us.
To avoid this and take that silent weight off of mine and Brent’s shoulders, I planned in October to buy a deep freezer and fill it and our cupboards. Also, to pay Hamishs school curriculum in full. We then bought school stationary and any extras he would need before Christmas shopping.
Being intentional has helped me to plan ahead, prepare for life in advance and schedule my time, energy and resources better.
So it’s only fitting that my word for the year is ……Intentional!
Twenty Twenty Thrive
This year, we are continuing our Homeschool journey and have also bought our first full curriculum and move from an eclectic homeschool approach to a set out learning format. I anticipate this will take some time getting used to.
Hamish learns cursive this year and writes his first set of formal tests and assessments. These are big milestones for an 8 year old and another reason why we are intentional about setting a calm rhythm for our day and surrounding ourselves with those who support our vision, share our values and enjoy the experiences we choose to take part in.
So, we have a full year of homeschool adventures, outings and activities planned. This year, we’ve also included our partners more, and encouraged our homeschool community to meet as families regularly allowing our children the privilege of a trusted community to share life with.
As for me ….my biggest focus this year is being Hamishs teacher. I love teaching and I especially love teaching him. His enthusiasm and easy going attitude makes every day a pleasure.
I see my blog growing and I will still continue to grow my social platforms. I love what I do.
I miss having the time in my day to smell the flowers, take that beach walk, read a book or create something new.
Going forward I have resolved to not over work. To find a better work /life balance and to take a few hours every day just for me.
Happy 2025 everyone …..May your year be blessed !
Yip, I also need time to read a book and have that balance.
Hope you have a wonderful 2025. It sounds very intentional 🙂
Thank you Heather. Wishing you the peace to read the books and the balance for a prosperous and happy 2025 ❤️