How my blog got its name

Day 12 of the #blogbosswinterblogchallenge asks me to share how my blog got it’s name.I’m now the mom of 7 children but for many years I was the mom of 6 amazing homeschooled children.We spent our days learning through play, investigation and discovering life through a hands on technique to learning.As much as we homeschooled we also unschooled, schooled on the go and learning became our lifestyle not so much an educational choice.But I remembered my own school days… It was dull and boring. I tried to always make my lessons fun and mostly they were.As a mom of 6 small children I was also constantly entertaining. If we weren’t breaking up polystyrene to make snow in the garden, we were building mud cakes, baking, doing arts and crafts or building table forts.My children were very seldom bored, hardly fought and used their amazing imaginations and creativity for play.As an educator, volunteer, mother, friend, babysitter and that crazy aunt who you always wanted to visit ….people would always comment how much fun we had.It seemed natural when I opened my Facebook page in 2012 to have it reflect me ….So fun mamma SA was born because I was a fun mom in South Africa.When I started my blog it dawned on me that I was no longer just the fun mom of 6 amazing kids. I now had a gorgeous little baby who I had nicknamed bear to include and so this blog would mostly focus on him, as my other children were now grown.Thus the Mamma and Bear blog was started.In essence I will always be Fun Mamma SA ♥️

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