Developing reader
As a young girl I would often escape into the pages of my beloved stories. Down rabbit holes, behind far away trees and hidding in the grass green shrubs of the secret garden as my imagination brought the rabbits, the fairies and the enchanting characters to life.
As I grew older I began to enjoy non-fiction and understood the power of literacy to educate. I absorbed the information in many national Geographic magazines and my Britanica encyclopedia.
Books became my best friend, my companions, my knowledge source, my entertainment and my escape.
I read anything and everything. I remember especially as a teenager reading Sweet Valley High books, Wilbur Smith and old wrinkled books of poetry.
So, it was only natural that not only would I love to read but I also had a passion to write. Wanting to share my ideas and watch as the words formed in perfect grammar to draw images from my imagination.
As an educator my classes have always been encouraged to read for pleasure, not just to complete an assignment.
I noticed those children whose parents read and who were exposed to books and magazines from an early age were more fluent readers and more inclined to read for pleasure.
I also noted amoung my preschool class very few parents read to their children at bedtime or during the day.
This, to me, was heartbreaking.
Raising Readers
And so I have always tried to raise my bear cubs ( all 7 of them) and my classes to enjoy reading.
One of the first items I bought each of my children was books. I was determined to raise a tribe of readers.
We spent hours at local library’s for story hour and looked quite a sight as a family of 8 booking out 6 books each every week.
As a homeschool family we also bought many books both fiction and non fiction for school and read daily.
Each evening ended with all 6 kids on one bed listening to a bedtime story.
More than just learning to read I wanted them to enjoy reading. I wanted them to know how to care for their books and to know that reading was not a chore.
Struggling readers
As the mom of two boys with Aspergers and they have struggled academically over the years.
DR Seuss and his nonsical rhyme came to the rescue and was our best teacher for learning to read, understanding phonics and many other learning areas.
So books have an important role in my little bear cave.
It was therefore a given that I would raise little bear as I’d done his siblings – as a reader.
Little bear
Little bear has been reading with me before he understood what a book was. Every day I’d sit him on my lap or hold him in my arms and we would read together.
After all a reader is made on the lap of their mother.
But more than just learning to read I wanted him to have fun reading. To enjoy the books and to learn to take care of his books.
Buying books
I started to look at monthly subscriptions as being a working mamma bear I sadly don’t often get time to browse the bookstores.
There are several amazing book clubs but they lacked what I was looking for.
Yes I can buy fantastic books online but even my browsing time is limited with a busy toddler wanting to paint and climb and throw Lego.
I also found the book clubs were limiting. They weren’t always tailored to little bears age or my budget.
The Kids Book Club
Then I came across The Kids Book club.
I honestly just sat back and went WOW!
If you’ve read my previous review you would know I couldn’t wait to try one of their book club packages.
I was attracted immediately. The option to have good quality books chosen for bears age aswell as a themed activity pack to keep him busy each month was exactly what I wanted.
Neatly presented in a reusable bag to colour in and with a tribe of cute little critters to collect, this club added value and interest to my subscription.
Best of all there are 3 options to choose from when purchasing and discounts for siblings who join, which means you don’t break the bank providing your children with quality books each month.
First bag
I was even more impressed when my first bag arrived and little bear and I sat unpacking the parcel.
He would pull each item out going WOW! As he looked at his special bag of surprises .
Two attractive books, a fun pack of activities for his age, a mountain to keep his critters on and his first critter.
Immediately he grabbed the animal book and we started reading. It was an activity book as he had to pull the card out to discover the animals mommy. Aside from the fun factor of pulling out each card, the book is a great educational tool as little bear is learning the animal names.
That night I read the second book to little bear at bedtime and we giggled at the funny animals trying on different underpants. I made a mental note at how the books were perfectly chosen for my busy toddler.
We then spent a week completing the cute crafts and colouring our bags in .
As mamma bears, we want the best for our children and that is what I feel I’m giving little bear with The Kids Book Club subscription.
- Quality books suited for his age
- Afforablability
- Fun factor as the activities and colour in bag keep him busy
- Educational opportunities to learn through the books and activities included.
- Cuteness … the collectable critters are adorable
- Lifelong memories of reading with us
- The opportunity to teach him to respect his books and love to read.