Why do we celebrate Easter?
Easter is a Christian celebration. Jesus , the son of God, was crucified on the Friday and three days later was resurrected. His resurrection symbolises the eternal life to all who believe in Him and gave irrefutable proof that Jesus was indeed the son of God.
Luke 24:2-3 “They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.

When do we celebrate Easter?
Easter had a different date each year as it is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox .

Where did celebrating Easter originate?
The word Easter comes from the festival of Eostre which celebrated the Teutonic goddess of Spring. Eostre was the goddess of fertility and often depicted as a rabbit.

Easter symbols
- Cross
- Star of Bethlehem
- Egg
- Bunny/ rabbit
- Lilly
- Chick
- Bonnet
- Basket

🥚There is no clarity in where the bunny or the egg originated but both are a symbol of new life and so play a huge part in representing the resurrection of Jesus.
🥚 Decorated eggs have been a part of the Easter celebrations since the medieval times.

🥚In many European countries eggs are dyed red to represent the blood of Jesus.
🥚 In the 17th century a German tradion of an Easter Hare bringing eggs to good children began. Over the years the wild hare has developed into the cute , cuddly Easter bunny we know today.

🥚 The 17th century also saw a toy in the shape of an egg being sold to give to the children.
🥚The first chocolate Easter eggs were made in the late half of the 19th century in both Germany and France.

🥚For many families, Easter, is a time to spend with their families. They may attend church, make pickled fish, eat hot cross buns, put up an Easter tree and hunt for Easter eggs.