These school holidays I set a daily challenge to encourage parents to spend some time just playing with their children.
All of the challenges were inexpensive, easy things to do at home that did not break the bank.
These were the challenges
On Day 1 we went for ice cream at our local KFC.
Day 2 was more messy as we made our own homemade paints to play with.
These paints were made by adding a few drops of food colouring to yoghurt.
On Day 3 we went on a nature treasure hunt. I think this was his favourite out of all the activities.
I drew a list of things for him to find and we took a walk to find each one.
For Day 4 we played an old fashioned game of hide and seek. Playing with a 3 year old has its challenges. He kept hiding in the same place.
On Day 5 we drew self portraits. I tried rater unsuccessfully to get the entire family to join.
This was also a very special activity as I’m going to get Hamish to draw one once a year and note his progress over the years in a special scrapbook.
Day 6 was to build a blanket fort. I managed to get one up but Hamish prefered pulling it down.
On Day 7 we enjoyed some water play. We had gotten home late and so I added an extra cap of bubbles and we filled the tub with bubbles. It wasn’t long before we were throwing bubbles at each other.
Day 8 we got to move it ! move it ! I took our dance party outside as we were at the Wordcamp kids daycare fir the day.
For Day 9 I gave Hamish some chalk and we went outside to draw pretty pictures on the concrete.
Day 10 and the last Sunday of our challenge. It rained and we decided a lazy Sunday cuddling up and watching movies Hamish chose was the perfect way to end our challenge.
The simplistic activities are often the ones our children enjoy the most. These are the fun things that become part of the memories they look back at when our children raise their own.
Spending quality time, even 20 minute a day totally present with your child is important. Doing things they love allows you to connect closer to them and builds their self esteem.
If you joined our challenge I would love to hear your thoughts on the activcities.