Day 15 of the #blogbosswinterblogchallenge is what is on my bedside table
I share a handmade wooden frame with wicker basket bedside table with Hamish and it never seems big enough for us both.
Next to my bed is the WiFi devise and a lamp that is on Hamishs side do he can access it easily.
Strangely enough he isn’t afraid of the dark and we hardly have the light plugged in as he keeps pulling the plug out.
I have my dove deodorant, Johnson & Johnson baby powder, vix baby rub and my hairbrush.
There’s always a coffee mug ( I drink far too much coffee) and a bottle for Hamish.
Tonight it’s relatively clean but normally you could find odd toys , a forgotten biscuit or scrunched up art project balancing on a sliver of space.
I tidy it every evening and the top draw is my go to hiding spot. I clean the matrix that is a drawer once a week.