Painting had been proven to be extremely beneficial for kids. Painting is relaxing, encourages a child to express themselves creatively, and helps a child communicate their emotions through the use of colour. It is also great fun.

Painting also :
- develops hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills
- Aids in mobility skills as fingers grip the paint brush to moves it across the canvas.
- develops creativity
- assists in decision making and planning ahead
- is therapeutic
Painting with Hamish
knowing these benefits I introduced Hamish to paints as early as 5 months old. I was however very concerned about using commercial paint as I wasn’t sure a handful of paint in a baby’s mouth was the best idea in the parenting books, so I used a paint-safe yogurt paint.
How to make yogurt paint
You will need:
- 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt
- Add a drop or 2 of food colouring.
Mix a little food colouring to your yogurt and well together. Present to your child as a finger paint, sensory activity, or with brushes and rollers.