We’re going on a bear hunt

Image :Harcourts

We are in week 3 of lock down, and as a mom with a 3 year old I’ve been encouraged by the beautiful community inciative around the world to keep our children inspired and encouraged.

One of those is the bear hunt.

What is a bear hunt ?

Children are encouraged to place a teddy bear in a window for other children to see and remain hopeful.

During self distancing and for those countries whose lock down still allows them to take daily walks, this is used to allow the kids to count the bears and read the beautiful messages the bears may be holding, eliminating the sense of loneliness and isolation in our children.

Who is the bear hunt for ?

The bear hunt was started for children during social isolation but anyone can place a teddy in the window.

Facebook is full of soft plushies, like Disney characters, that have been placed in the windows instead of bears.

Our bear

We live in a complex that is not road facing nor do we have too many neighbours who can peep into our windows but we have put a bear in the window none the less.

Using the bears to teach community service

Hamish strongly believes that he is making other children happy by doing this and it’s a wonderful way to teach community service.

He may only be 3 years old, but with us as a family taking part in these seemingly ‘silly’ initiatives we are currently keeping him busy, sharing the message of hope, teaching him to have empathy for other children who are also bored and stuck inside and allowing him to do what he can to give back to his community.

Teaching our children to serve others is a valuable lesson.

Why teach community service to kids ?

Many parents share the goal of instilling a sense of community involvement, being kind and giving back within their children. It is never too early to start.

You can start to teach them these valuable lessons by :

  • Exposing your children to various causes. – Whilst there are many causes out there you will soon notice those that capture your children’s passions. It is important to remember that your child may support a different cause to you and will not be interested in every cause. Both of those are OK.
  • Discuss community involvement as a family. – Talk openly and honestly about the causes, initiatives and community involvement projects that you are interested in or that they could take part in.
  • Set an example. – Our children learn from our actions more than our words. If we are natural community helpers, they will automatically be inspired to find their own causes to join and exhibit a heart of giving.

So, whilst it may seem like just another hashtag and Instagram opportunity, let’s see the lessons behind this and how we as moms can use these to help our little ones become the best they can be.